Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Create document set in SharePoint Online with CSOM

It's very easy to create a document set in SharePoint Online (Office365) with csom. There is not really an API available at this moment, but by converting a folder we can achieve our goal.

If your DocumentSet content type contains other content types, you could end up with a yellow banner saying:
Content types that are available to this Document Set have been added or removed.  Update the Document Set.
If you see this banner, the content types under the new button aren't correct either. You can fix this by setting docset_LastRefresh and vti_contenttypeorder folder properties.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Change site title for all languages with CSOM

If you want to update the site title of a SharePoint site you probably will use the title property of your web object. ok, but this will only update the site title in the language of the user that runs the code.

e.g. my user account has set English as default display language

If you update web.title property trough the UI or via custom code, change your default display language to another language and load the site again, the web.title property won't be changed in this language.

You can use this piece of code to change the title property for all available languages of a site.